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Home > Multi-Factor Authentication > Multifactor Authentication FAQs
Multifactor Authentication FAQs
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Staff and Students

What apps will be secured with MFA for Northwood Tech?

  • Email (Outlook) 
  • Teams
  • OneDrive 
  • Salesforce 

What do I have to do to get ready for the change to Multifactor Authentication? 

  • Authenticator App:  If you don’t have the Microsoft Authenticator, you’ll need to download it on your phone.  Setup Microsoft Authenticator 
  • Text message or phone call:  You will automatically get a text or a call sent to your phone for MFA approval.​ 
  • Fob users (Staff only):  IT staff at your location will provide you a secondary fob that will be used with Microsoft MFA.  You will still need your current fob for accessing WILM resources.

Do I need to use MFA to login to my work and/or personal computer?  

  • No.  MFA is only needed at the application level.

Is MFA needed to access MyCampus? 

  • No.  At this time, only the apps inside of the MyCampus portal are secured by MFA.

Is it okay to use my personal phone for MFA?

  • Absolutely.  Both the Microsoft Authenticator and Duo mobile apps are easier to use than a fob/token, text message, or phone call.  This is the recommended method for using MFA. 

Why have I not been seeing any MFA notifications/challenges?  

  • You will not be prompted for MFA while on a Northwood Tech campus.  This will prevent you from losing access to MFA-secured applications if you forget your MFA device at home.  
  • You have authenticated once on your device/browser with MFA and don’t need to reauthenticate for 30 days, even off the Northwood Tech network. 

Staff Only

What about Peoplesoft (MyNorthwoodTech), ImageNow, Cognos and other WILM resources?  

  • Peoplesoft is currently the only resource secured with Duo for some staff members.  WILM will be releasing another Duo enrollment that each staff/faculty member will have to setup when they are onboarded.  This is an additional enrollment from Northwood Tech.


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