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Home > Blackboard > My Blackboard test submitted before I finished
My Blackboard test submitted before I finished
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     Your Blackboard test can show as submitted for a few reasons:

  1. You hit the "Submit" button
  2. Your instructor set the test to auto-submit after a certain time limit
  3. Your web browser is unsupported and displayed incorrectly
  4. Your internet connection was disconnected momentarily

     Blackboard recommends using Google Chrome to access your tests, this will help with questions and tests showing incorrectly.  For all test issues you will need to contact your instructor to allow you another attempt at the test.  Make sure you contact your instructor immediately when the issue happens. 

For information on how to contact your instructor through Blackboard, read through Blackboard Help's article on Blackboard Messages

For general information on taking tests in Blackboard, please read Blackboard Help's article on Blackboard Tests and Surveys

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